Accessibility Policy
May 26 2020, Northern Honda

Northern Honda fully supports the initiatives of the Canadian and Ontario Governments for the full inclusion of persons with disabilities as set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Ontario Human Rights Code, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) 2001, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 2005. We have developed this policy to communicate our accessibility guidelines to customers, employees, and potential employee candidates.
• Northern Honda is a local family-owned business. It is staffed by highly trained, caring individuals. 100% customer satisfaction is our number one goal.
• All our employees have received mandatory Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (AODA) Awareness training through Dunk & Associates. Records of this training are maintained by the dealership.
• In the event of an emergency, the employee (Salesperson, Service Advisor, Parts Advisor, Finance Manager, or Department Manager) that is assisting the customer will facilitate the response to the emergency.
• Our building is wheelchair accessible. Two wheelchair-accessible washrooms are located in our customer lounge.
• If either wheelchair access to the building is impeded or both wheelchair-accessible washrooms are unavailable, we will advise customers by posting notices on all our building entrances and on our website.
• Notices will include the reason for the disruption, intended duration, and any alternates available.
• Service animals are of course welcome on the premises.
• When hiring employees, we will accommodate disabilities during the selection process upon request.
• Once hired we will support any employees with disabilities to ensure they are given what they require to complete their duties. We will facilitate an employee individual emergency response plan if requested/required. All performance management, career development, and advancement will consider the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities.
• We will provide any information and communication in an accessible format upon request.
• If you require more information regarding our AODA Policy or would like to voice compliments or concerns, please contact the management representatives listed below. This can be presented by mail, fax, telephone, or in-person:
Rex Hunter 705-476-0206 ext. # 249
David Barber 705-476-0206 ext. #222
Any feedback will be reviewed by the above people and responded to within three working days